Syagrus romanzoffiana (Queen Palm)
In our yard are 2 specimens of the Queen Palm. The Queen Palm is a large and solitary feather palm with smooth and grey trunk and one loose and very wide crown of long , bushy, dark green and somewhat to ostrich feathers remembering feather leaves. The inflorescences bear great grapes sticky, yellow fruit with very hard seeds. It is native in southeastern Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and northeastern Argentina, is here in Lucianópolis at home. It is often found in forests, especially near the coast and the major rivers. It’s particularly fast growing as a street tree, is very popular and spreads all over the world. It is related with Cocos nucifera, Jubaea chilensis, Butia and closely related species, there are already crosses with Butia capitata and Jubaea chilensis. Unlike Cocos nucifera it does tolerate to 18°F (-8°C) and could survive in the very mildest locations in Germany outplanted, especially on Heligoland.
Syagrus romanzoffiana (in the middle of the picture) in the corner
of our front garden in December 2009.
Smaller specimen of Syagrus romanzoffiana im Dezember 2009.
Updated by Joachim Jaeck on October 14th, 2013