Paradise Bird Flowers
At the same one Streletzia reginae and one Streletzia nicolai were planted into our front yard.
Strelitzia nicolai (White Paradise Bird Flower, Tree Paradise Bird Flower)
The largest species of the genus Strelitzia, orginated in South Africa, the Tree Paradise Bird Flower forms one group of different, slender and tall grown trunks with crows of large leathery and bananalike leaves, it flowers with large bunches of blue and white birdlike flowers (therefore the name). It thrives well in subtropical and tropical climates and can take only light frosts down to 23°F (-5°C) for short time. Our was planted into our front yard in the front of our mansion in 2008.
Our specimen in the front garten in the front of our mansion in
December 2009.
Strelitzia reginae (Paradise Bird Flower)
This very colorful small Strelitzia has short divided subterrestrial rhizomes, which are forming closed bushes of leathery and bluishgreen leaves and show a bushy appearance, doesn't form any trunks. The orange colored Paradise Bird Flower bears a lot of long thorns with wonderful and beautiful orange and blue birdlike flowers (therefore the name), which are often seen as cut flowers. It thrives well in temperate, subtropical and tropical climates, there it prefers full sunny places and is really drought and frost tolerant to 19°F (-7°C). In Brazil it is also cultivated occasionally as an ornamental plant, grows in Southern Brazil very well. Our stands in our front yard since 2008.
Our specimen in the front yard in the front of our mansion in February 2009.
Updated by Joachim Jaeck on March 10th, 2010