Musa mannii
Indian Dwarf Banana
One dwarf species from Northeastern India of the section Rhodochlamys. The leaves are small for one banana, to 75 cm long and 30 cm wide. The plant self grows only to 60 cm to 1.20 m tall. The bracts of the flowers are lilac and purple red. The pseudostem is deep brown to black. The fruits are small, seed containing and inedible.
Unfortunately Musa mannii cultivated very rarely, but wanted because of diffferent colors. As container plant very well suitable, it can be cultivated indoors in the temperate climate and conversatory. In the frostfree climate in the Mediterrean area, in the subtropics and tropics it is as one garden plant relatively unproblematic like it does show at our pond in our chácara in Lucianópolis this.
Pseudostems of Musa mannii, pic source: Frank Glavin, USA
Inflorescence of Musa mannii, pic source: Ralf Menta, Germany
Inmature fruits of Musa mannii, pic source: Ralf Menta, Germany
Created by Joachim Jaeck on October 6th, 2013