Lonicera henryi (Evergreen Honeysuckle)

The Evergreen Honeysuckle (Lonicera henryi) belongs to the genus Lonicera fom the family Caprifoliaceae.

It is one everygreen climbing plant, which is also hardy in Germany and also planted as an ornamental in Southern Brazil.

The opposite, stalked or sessile leaves are simple. Stipules are absent. The flowers are in the leaf axils in pairs or in terminal, heady inflorescences together usually with bracts. The flowers are hermaphrodite and usually fivefold. The five petals are tubular or cup-adherent. In all, the five petals are elongated to very long corolla tube, which ends five-lobed or douple lip. After the flowering of the bud, the corolla tube is still closed and looks clavate. The thickened part is then split into a single, downward-pointing tip, which is a lower lip, and show four (in many species largely adherent to each other) corner of the top. It is a circle with five stamens present. Two to three carpels are fused to an ovary. The pistil is long and thin and ends in a heady scar.

We have one in our front garden, which is but grown as one shrub.


Flower of Lonceria henryi in December 2009.





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Updated by Joachim Jaeck on March 10th, 2010