Exotic Project on Heligoland - Website of Joachim Jaeck und Chris Stuehrk (also in English), already ended
Brazilian Embassy in Berlin - Infos about entry and immigration regulations, services and others (only in German)
Portal do Governo Brasileiro - Home page of the Brazilian government (in Portuguese, English and Spanish language, also about entry and immigration regulations)
Prefeitura Municipal de Lucianópolis - Website of the municipality Lucianópolis (unfortunately only in Portuguese)
Receita Fazenda - Website of the Brazilian revenue office (one possiblity of one online apply of one CPF number (Brazilian tax number), Brazilian online tax declaration and more, only in Portuguese language)
Wülfing - Zeuner - Reichel - Rechtsanwalt, Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater, Fachanwalt Arbeitsrecht, Steuerrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Insolvenzrecht, Aktienrecht, Handelsrecht Brasilien - Chambers of the lawyger Rafael Villena y Scheffler in Hamburg (only in German)
Advocacia Mestieri-Seidl - Chamber of the lawyger Mestieri-Seidl for Brazilian rights
Yahoo Exchange Calculator - Exchange Euro - Real - US$ (only in German)
Achims Bananenshop - European largest banana assortment (does not export to Brazil and South America unfortunately, only in German)
Bioversitiy International - Succession organization of INIBAP (banana breed research network in the genetic engineering (in English, French and Spanish language)
Embrapa - Genoplasm Bank in Bahia with 400 banana species and cultivars, the second largest after the in Belgium with its 1,200 cultivars and species
Fazenda Dierberger - One of the largest Brazilian nurseries in the state São Paulo, established by one German immigrant, one supply possiblity for our yard because of one assortment of mangos and other exotics (only in the Portuguese language, although the owner does speak German)
Mudas Longui - One larger nursery which could be profitable and has a large mango assortment, seems not be far from Lucianópolis away, probably the former owner of my yard has bought my trees there (only in the Portuguese language)
Multiplanta - Empresa de Biotecnologia Vegetal - Bananas from micropropagation in Brazil (only in the Portuguese language)
Colecionando Frutas - Partner page about rare fruits in Brazil, very profitable source in Brazil (only in the Portuguese language)
Colecionando Frutas Musaceae - Probably one of the largest banana collections of Brazil, one chance for "Bananas Raras" (only in the Portuguese language, but I wrote its seedlist in English, also our banana collection is now one of the largest in Brazil)
Orkut and Facebook - Contact possiblities with Brazilians (on this page you can learn to know friends and also live partners in Brazil to chat and email with them) - Electronic directory with different languages, of all for the Portuguese language, useful to learn the Portuguese language
Garden of one German migrant in Thailand, who also has given his exotic garden in Germany because of climatic reasons up and was emigrated to Thailand because of his health reasons.
Brasilienfreunde- German forum about Brazil (Tips around of Brazil, but only in German)
Brasil-Web - German forum about Brazil (Tips around of Brazil, more recommendable, but only in German)
International Banana Society - International banana forum in English, very recommendable
Updated by Joachim Jaeck on Septoember 25th, 2013