Grevillea banksii (Red Grevillea)
The Grevillea banksii is one to Australia native species from the genus Grevillea in the family Proteaceae.
Shrub or small tree to 23 feet. The silvery-green leaves are pinnated with 3 to 11 deep divided pinnate leaves. The single pinnate leaflets are ruly to lanceolate, 2 to 4 inches long and approx. 0.4 inches wide.
The flowers are light-red to creamy white; they sit terminally at to 6 inches long inflorescences. Grevillea banksii flowers the most time of the year, mainly but in winter and spring.
We also have several specimens in our garden, which are flowering regulary and forming seeds.
Grevillea banksii in our garden in December 2009.
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Updated by Joachim Jaeck on March 10th, 2010