Forming fruits |
Ripening fruits |
NATIVE NAME: CAXINGUBA-TINGA comes from the Tupi-Guarani and means "tree which gives the juice or syrup as a drug to treat worm" and the adjective refers to the white spots on the fruit. Also known as Figo pintado, Figueira branca or Figueira de folha redonda. It is wrongly classified as Ficus gardneriana.
Origin: This species is widely distributed in the regions of the midwestern and southeastern regions of Brazil, and then their distribution is very irregular and discontinuous, can be more easily found in semi-evergreen forests and savannah in transition. More information in the Portuguese language at the link:
Features: Evergreen tree, lactesent (with exuding white sap), reachs in the forest heights of 15 to 20 m, but the culture reached a maximum of 6 to 8 m. The crown is dense and spherical with striped, well-distributed branches and twigs. The leaves are simple, opposite, leathery (stiff consistency), bare (hairless), orbicular (round shaped), or ovoid, they measure the length of 12 to 26 cm and a width of 8 to 15 cm. The petioles measure 2.5 to 4.5 cm and are hairless. The laminar base is rounded or blunt and the tip is rounded or pointed briefly (with short legs). The fruit called syconia (fleshy, hollow, fleshy structure with an apical opening and the flowers are on the inside walls and seeds that form of it) in pairs or threes at the base of the leaves at the stems. The fruits measure 2 to 3 cm in diameter and has a delicious, sweet smell when ripe.
Culture tips: Grows quickly and can be grown in every climate in Brazil, which has an average temperature between 10°C and 28°C, minimum withstand temperatures of down to -4°C. It may be at altitudes of 400 m to 1,650 m grown above sea level, the annual rainfall should be 700 to 2500 mm. Prefers every soil which is deep and well drained but holds moisture. The plant grows well in sandy soils along rivers and in red soil, the best pH for good fruit set should be from 5.5 to 6.7. The fruiting begins at 4 to 5 years.
Propagation: The seeds are tiny and rotten fruits schould putten onto the surface of the soil of the boxes, which are measured 40 x 20 x 15 cm and be covered with a thin layer of sifted organic matter. Germination usually takes 30 to 40 days, after germination the seeds should be protected by one foil shield against insects and worms infestation because the seedlings are usually eaten. The seedlings are to transplant to individual pots when they are 10 cm tall and the substrate must remain moist and after transplanting the seedlings should stand in the shadows and be watered daily for 1 month. When they reached 30 to 40 cm of height, they can be in full sun. The soil in every pot should be made of 50% organic ingredients stale, there are 20% sand and 30% soil. The species is easily be propagated by woody cuttings with more than 4 cm in diameter.
Planting: In Plant at intervals of 7 x 7 m, dig holes with dimensions of 50 x 50 x 50 cm. And fill with 6 shouvels of 30 cm well intermixed manure, 500 g of lime and 600 g of ash, then let stand for 2 months to work in. The best time to plant is during the months from April to September. Generally, once a week pour during the first months and then pour only when the humidity is missing.
Culture: Sectional shape of the crown and removing the shoots at the base of the trunk. Fertilize with organic compost, it can be 6 kg of compost + 50 g NPK 10-10-10, double amount until 3rd year, then only the simple. The watering in the time of flowering and fruiting improves the productivity and quality of fruit.
Use: Bears fruit in the months from December to February. The fruit is fragrant and soft when well ripened, ideal for raw consumption. The ripe fruit can be used for a sweet fig compote with traditional recipes as they are harvested ripe from the tree. The tree is also very rare in nature, it must be preserved and protected. Its fruits also feed various animals and birds.
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