NOMENCLATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE: Araticum da Mata Atlântica, the name comes from the Tupi and means: “fruit of the soft mass”. Also called as Araticum do mato, Araticum amarelo, Ticum and Pindauva amarela.

NOTICES: Formely the species belongs to the genus of Rollinia which does not exist anymore.


Origin: Occurs naturally in the dense rain forest (coastal region and very rainy) of the Atlantic Forest of Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. More informations in the Portuguese language under the link:


Features: Tree 6-8 meters high, with gray trunk, which measures 30-40 cm in diameter. The new shoots are rust-colored and covered with thin hairs. The leaves are simple, broadly ovate with a short stem or petiole of orange color, which is 0.8 to 1.5 cm long, with rust-colored indumentum (velvety hairs). The leaf blade measures 8 to 15 cm in length and 3-6 cm in width, wedge-based blunt tip or apex rounded or with spiked (with the short side). This species is easily by observing secondary veins that are prominently identified on the dorsal surface. The flowers are greenish, spirally arranged in the axils, with 3 greenish yellow petals, crass or thick, with nectaries at the base of the petals. The fruit is composed of several segments, with or without seeds, dark yellow skin with square or rounded tips. The ripe fruit is round or oval, and measures 7-8 cm in length and 4-6 cm in width.


Culture tips: Plant of the humid subtropics, more adapted to temperate climate with frosts of down to -3°C, can be grown throughout Brazil at every altitude, adapts well to sandy or loamy red soils of the deep and with acidic to neutral pH value and contain well-resolved organic material. Can be fitted to the riverbank, where it sometimes comes to flooding.


Propagation: The seeds are brownish, medium long and triangular, retain their ability to germinate in dark storage up to 2 years. After sowing, they germinate after 40 to 90 days. The seedlings are up to 40 cm when they are 12 months old, appreciate a shady place for the development the most. The fruits begins in the age of 3 to 5 ears depending on soil conditions and cultivation.

Planting: Can be planted in full sun or in the reforestation mixed, they produce edible fruit for wildlife in general. In the orchard planting distances in a 5 x 5 m, where the holes should be dug 50 cm in length, width and depth and filled with 30 cm of well mixed soil with 2 shovel sand and 5-6 shovel organic compost and then leave them for 3 months before the plantation. Pour 10 liters of water per week during the first two months.


Culture: Only trimming the crown and the elimination of branches, which appear at the base of the trunk or crossing branches in the crown. Fertilization with organic compost, 3 blade well mixed and seasoned chicken manure + 50 g of NPK 10-10-10. Double the amount distributed every year, then continue the simple amount every year in the spring. Remember to spread the fertilizer at the same distance as the girth.


Use: Bears fruit in the months from January to March. The fruits have sweet pulp that will easily release from the seed. One of the best Araticum types for raw consumption, with great potential for commercial cultivation.



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