Draceana marginata (Margined Dragon Tree)

The Margined Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata) is one plant species from the genus Dracaena in the family Ruscaceae.

The plant is quite vigorous and forms a thin, high-growing trunk. The leaves are linear to lanceolate and 12 to 16 inches long, of which only about 0.8 inches narrow, because the species may at first glance most of the other as an indoor plant species of the genus of dragon trees be distinguished. The leaves are dark green and brownish-edged, the Latin species name additional marginata implies also "edged".

The origin of the Margined Dragon Tree is Madagascar, but it is grown as ornamental tree in the tropics and Brazil.

Our specimen in our front garden originates from the old mother tree, which stands in the front garten of the family Marana Bim. Dragon trees can be propagated by cuttings very well.


Draceana marginata (Mother plant of our

specimen) in the front garten of the family

Marana Bim in Lucianópolis in December 2009.

Our specimen in the front garden in December 2009.




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Updated by Joachim Jaeck on March 10th, 2010