Cinnamomom verum (Genuine Cinnamon Tree)


Evergreen tropical deciduous tree from the genus Cinnamomom and the family Lauraceae, originally from Sri Lanka, today is this species grown in many tropical countries. In the tropical Asia, on the Caribean Islands and the Seychelles the species is growing wild.


The tree grows to 67 feet tall, the bark smells aromatic and is used as spice, the cinnamon is one of the oldest spices. Like many tropical trees many leaves are forming at the same time without firm point of time during the year, then for a while no new growth, this is one foliage release, at this time the young foliage is colored at many species more or less reddish, this protects against ultraviolet radiaton. Also at this species the large simple, oval leaves are rich red in the young phase, but later dark green with white nervures. The hermaphrodite blossoms consists of six to nine petals, nine stamens and one ovary. Bluish nearly black stone fruits are forming.


Our cinnamon tree we took over by the purchase of our yard.




Cinnamomum verum in our garden in December 2009.









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Updated by Joachim Jaeck on March, 10th, 2010