Euphorbia milii (Christ Thorn)

The Christ Thorn (Euphorbia milii) is one species from the genus Euphorbia from the family Euphorbiaceae.

It forms a succulent, thorny and leafy shrub. Within the genus Euphorbia it belongs with more than 50 further species to the subgenus Euphorbia, section Goniostema, in this the species wear usually pared strikingly colored bracts among cyathia that similar the missing petals of reduced flowers. These special bracts are called "cyathophylles". Like all euphorbias the Christ Thorn also contain a poisonous milky sap which irriates skin.

The Christ Thorn is native to Madagascar. Our garden is partially surrounded by a Christ Thorn hedge, ideal protection aginst unauthorized intrudes to an even better and more impenetrable fence can not imagine themselves, the thorns and poisonous milky sap make invaders the life really difficult.


Our Christ Thorn hedge in February 2009.




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Created by Joachim Jaeck on December 1st, 2009